Factors influencing womens decisions to drink alcohol during pregnancy: findings of a qualitative study with implications for health communication Full Text


The effect could be mental as well—a grieving woman would give birth to a melancholic child, for example. Women’s emotions during pregnancy were translated into physical marks or manifestations on their children. Women themselves—through their thoughts, feelings, and deeds, especially their untamed appetites—were believed to influence directly the developing fetus in the womb. The doctrine of maternal impressions was a way to make sense of unexpected and untoward outcomes. For instance, a bright red birthmark—what we today would recognize as a hemangioma—was attributed to the mother’s consumption of berries or even just her unrestrained craving for that fruit. The doctrine of maternal impressions was also a way to express social and moral ideals for how women ought to behave.

Experts say that women with certain risk factors should be especially careful about avoiding alcohol while pregnant. You probably should not drink, for example, if you have liver disease, a history of addiction, or are on any medications that may conflict with alcohol, such as antidepressants. Surgeon General, the American College of Obstetricians https://ecosoberhouse.com/ and Gynecologists, and the American Academy of Pediatrics advise pregnant women not to drink alcohol at all. Partial FAS (pFAS) involves prenatal alcohol exposure, and includes some, but not all, of the characteristics of full FAS. There is no evidence that FAS occurs in babies born to women who drink occasionally or moderately during pregnancy.

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In some cases, loved ones may stage an alcohol intervention with the help of a counselor. During an intervention, individuals can express their concerns about the woman’s drinking patterns and the effect they’re having on her unborn baby. If a woman is ready to quit drinking and seek help, treatment options may also be discussed. There isn’t a direct test for FAS and pregnant people may not give a complete history of all alcohol intake during pregnancy. The beginning of fetal development is the most important for the whole body, but organs like the brain continue to develop throughout pregnancy. It’s impossible to exactly pinpoint all of the development during pregnancy, making it risky to drink alcohol at any time prior to birth.

The women’s accounts clearly conveyed that they viewed their obstetricians’ advice as authoritative, and were motivated to comply with their recommendations. The accounts show that obstetricians are highly influential in helping women to manage guilt and anxiety in relation to their alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Our findings indicate that the importance of alcohol to the social lives and identities of Australian women importantly influence their decisions whether to drink alcohol during pregnancy or not. In contrast to an earlier study, these results suggest that Australian women perceive the risk of some alcohol consumption during pregnancy to be low [11].

Drinking a little alcohol early in pregnancy may be okay

However, pregnant patients who choose to drink should understand that any alcohol consumption – not just binge drinking – increases specific risks during pregnancy. This debate is being importantly influenced by philosophical argument. Whether or not they choose to drink alcohol during pregnancy, women’s perspectives, voiced in their own terms, have an equally important role to play in validating or refuting some of the claims being made.

alcohol during pregnancy

I assure them there is little evidence to suggest that they harmed their pregnancy. The myelination process is critical to brain and nervous system function. Myelin protects nerve cells, allowing them to transmit information faster.

Playing it Safe

The developing fetus is sensitive to numerous teratogens, and varying exposures at specific levels of development can often affect different aspects of development. The development of the central nervous system in the fetus is extremely vulnerable to teratogens early in development. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with 40 women in their alcohol during pregnancy homes. Our sample comprised women aged 34–39, drawn from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, living in the Greater Brisbane Area who were pregnant, or had recently given birth, in 2009. An inductive qualitative framework analysis approach was used to identify and interpret themes explaining why pregnant women choose to drink or not.

  • Some, however, highlighted differences of opinion about the importance of abstinence.
  • When a woman drinks while pregnant, she is putting her baby at risk of developing a host of physical and behavioral problems.
  • Growth and central nervous system problems (e.g., low birthweight, behavioral problems) can occur from alcohol use anytime during pregnancy.
  • Using alcohol during pregnancy is the leading cause of preventable birth defects, developmental disabilities and learning disabilities.
  • And if you’re concerned that you are drinking too much and feel that you cannot stop — during your pregnancy or at any other time — talk with your doctor.
  • Many times, a child who is born prematurely will require additional medical care and attention during the first few years.

Alcohol use in the first three months of pregnancy can cause the baby to have abnormal facial features. Growth and central nervous system problems (e.g., low birthweight, behavioral problems) can occur from alcohol use anytime during pregnancy. The baby’s brain is developing throughout pregnancy and can be affected by exposure to alcohol at any time. Six mothers also reported at least one binge drinking event (exceeding four drinks on one occasion) during their pregnancy. There are countless alcohol treatment programs across the nation that specialize in helping pregnant women overcome a drinking problem. The sooner a woman commits to stop drinking, the greater the chance of having a trouble-free pregnancy and healthy baby.

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Alex de Brito Limeira é jornalista e escritor. Esteve sete vezes entre os melhores novos escritores do país em concursos literários promovidos por casas editoriais de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. Em Abril de 2011 lançou o romance O Crime da Santa. Foi repórter no jornal Folha do Maranhão do Sul, em Carolina – MA; Instrutor autônomo de redação discursiva e dissertativa. Em Fortaleza dos Nogueiras é pioneiro na comunicação social - jornalismo, ao fundar, editar e apresentar o Jornal da Cidade, na rádio Cidade FM de 2003 a meados de 2004. Foi âncora do Jornal da Cidade na antiga TV Cidade, editor e apresentador do jornal de mesmo nome na Rádio Cidade FM. Fundou a Gazeta Sul Maranhense (Fortaleza dos Nogueiras e região) e o site Gazeta OnlineG, que está em plena atividade. Em dezembro de 2022 torna-se um dos vencedores do desafio de criação de micro contos com o limite máximo de 150 caracteres e passa a compor a coletânea SEJA BREVE, SENÃO EU CONTO da Editora Oito e Meio de Flávia Iriarte - Rio de Janeiro.